Interfaces in Python


It is possible to define another layer of abstraction on top of a class, called an abstract class. In other languages this is called an interface or trait. An interface is the opposite of an implementation. An implementation provides functionality by giving concrete implementations.

Example in Python

An Organism abstraction might define methods like eat(), sleep(), and reproduce(), regardless of whether the organism is a plant, animal, or bacteria. Specific organisms would implement these in diverse ways.

In Python, ABC stands for abstract base class. It represent an abstract class, which is another name for an interface.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Organism(ABC):

    def eat(self):

    def sleep(self):

    def reproduce(self):

Below are concrete implementations for different types of organisms extending the Organism abstract base class. Each subclass provides its own version of the eat, sleep, and reproduce methods:

class Plant(Organism):

    def eat(self):
        print("Plant is photosynthesizing.")

    def sleep(self):
        print("Plant enters a state of lower metabolic activity at night.")

    def reproduce(self):
        print("Plant releases seeds into the environment.")

class Animal(Organism):

    def eat(self):
        print("Animal is hunting for food.")

    def sleep(self):
        print("Animal is sleeping to restore energy.")

    def reproduce(self):
        print("Animal finds a mate for reproduction.")

class Bacterium(Organism):

    def eat(self):
        print("Bacterium absorbs nutrients from its surroundings.")

    def sleep(self):
        # Many bacteria do not have sleep cycles as eukaryotes do
        # But they can enter dormant states, which we'll call 'sleep' here for simplicity
        print("Bacterium enters a dormant state.")

    def reproduce(self):
        print("Bacterium reproduces via binary fission.")

With these implementations, each subclass of Organism now behaves according to its biological characteristics:

# Usage example:
plant = Plant()
animal = Animal()
bacterium = Bacterium()  # Plant is photosynthesizing.
animal.sleep()  # Animal is sleeping to restore energy.
bacterium.reproduce()  # Bacterium reproduces via binary fission.

The type hints in the original Organism class ensure that any further subclasses must implement eat, sleep, and reproduce methods if they are to be instantiated. This enforces a consistent interface across all organism types.

The Interface segregation principle

  • Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use.
  • Larger interfaces should be split into smaller ones. By doing so, we can ensure that implementing classes only need to be concerned with methods that are of interest to them.


In the context of biology, let’s imagine we have various entities like “Bird”, “Fish”, and “Frog”. A simple violation of ISP would be to create a single interface which includes methods like fly, swim, and croak, and then force all implementers to define those methods even if they aren’t relevant.

Instead, we should segregate the interface into specific contracts like Flyer, Swimmer, and Croaker.

Here’s how you could apply ISP in Python:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Segregated Interfaces
class Flyer(ABC):
    def fly(self):

class Swimmer(ABC):
    def swim(self):

class Croaker(ABC):
    def croak(self):

By creating the Flyer, Swimmer, and Croaker interfaces, we allow each animal to implement only the behavior it requires.

# Concrete implementations for Birds
class Bird(Flyer, Swimmer):
    def fly(self):
        return "This bird can fly."
    def swim(self):
        return "This bird can also swim."

# Concrete implementations for Fish
class Fish(Swimmer):
    def swim(self):
        return "This fish can swim."

# Concrete implementations for Frogs
class Frog(Swimmer, Croaker):
    def swim(self):
        return "This frog can swim."

    def croak(self):
        return "This frog can also croak."

# Using the classes
sparrow = Bird()

goldfish = Fish()

tree_frog = Frog()

The Bird class implements both Flyer and Swimmer, showing that it can both fly and swim without having to implement Croaker, which would not make sense for a bird. Similarly, Fish only needs to implement Swimmer and Frog implements both Swimmer and Croaker.

This follows ISP by segregating the interfaces based on functionality rather than creating one large interface that assumes all animals can perform all behaviors.